Saturday 10 September 2011

What's up???

Well I survived my Ottawa trip and it was incredible.  I went up for my cousin Erin's wedding...I left a week before the wedding so that I could help out where needed, and well all I can say is that I was extremely glad that I was there to help Aunt Sheila, she would've been there all alone doing 6million things.

The wedding was a complete success, Erin and Alex are madly in love with one another and it is truly evident in how they are with one another.  Noah...what can I say about Mr. Handsome Noah, he is amazing, it was so great to finally meet him and spend so much time with him.  He has such a great personality and it shows in his every action.  From wanting to vaccum up Nana and Grampas house to just not eating the supper that is given to him unless it's Noo Noo's (noodles).  There is something to be said about spending time with a small child to take your mind of everything else in the world...

That was a great lead into one of the most stressful events that I endured since loosing my brother did something incredibly stupid to himself and then decided to end his marriage with his wife.  It was rather obvious when he was home a short while ago that he was not happy in the relationship that he was in, but who am I to me of a judge because I'm not in a relationship myself.  Anyways he is doing much better and that is the main thing it was an incredible worry on me and my family; mom flew up to be with him during that difficult time but in all honesty that wasn't the stress that she needed at that time.

SCHOOL!!!  Well the semester is back in and I am really happy to be back there for another year and hope to finally get accpeted into a faculty, either business or nursing, whoever accepts me first I am going there and going to work my ass off to get a degree and get myself out of there as quick as possible.  I would be happy doing either I have to be honest, both careers can by quiet successful.

So with the school topic in the works I should probably get my ass in gear and get some chapters read in my text books!!!

Wednesday 20 July 2011

First Blog

Well here's to it, I'm going to start a blog, right now I have no interest in sharing it with anyone, it's just a place for me to write down how I feel, what I'm doing and what's new.  At some point in time I'm sure I will share it with people but it's like a modern day diary.

So it's July 20 and where am I with my life, I am 25, the youngest child of three and I'm the only girl, I've got two things going for me right...haha  I'm a full time student from September to April at MUN where I'm trying my damnest to get into the school of Nursing, it's what I've wanted to do for a long time but has taken me a little while to realize that I am confident enough in myself to acheive great things.  In the meantime I am working towards a business degree which definitly won't go astray if thats what I concour first.

I am working full time right now in the summer to save and bank as much money as possible so that I can walk out of university debt free and not break the bank on my mom.  Times can become hard for her for various reasons (that is another entry in itself).  My job does totally suck, the majority of the people who I work with are great people, some aren't so much but what can you do, you get that everywhere you work right...  It's a low paying job and from time to time I feel as though I have been taken advantage of but like I said in the line above that comes with the territory of working with the public and that goes with a lot of jobs.  Thats why I am keeping my head up and in the right direction so that I get myself a great education and get a real life job where I can make lots of money and someday take care of my family.

Family, yea well I am single not attached with NO children.  That will come some day, I hope, I just have to be patient and wait for Mr. Right to come along and snatch him up straight away. haha 

So what I told you thus far is enough until next time, and who knows, this may turn into a daily blog at the begning and then wein out into a weekly, monthly and then nothing at all, I will see how this goes and how addicted I become.

Until next time!!